Sunday, December 31, 2006

Hello! Well I'm new here so it might take me a while to get the hang of this whole thing. I have had many blogs, my spaces etc but have always been to lazy to up date them. Hopefully this one will be a bit better and a lot more well maintained!!!

So I guess I'll try and write a little bit about myself. Just to give you some idea of who I am. My name is Jade and I turned 23 on December 1. I live on the second floor of my parents house with my 25 year old boyfriend Travis. We are trying to get our own place, slowly looking around but we find that we are both very picky and our standards are probably way too high!

I love to shop. It is where most of my money goes. I am trying to cut down, but then I will venture to the shops and find a pair of shoes I just HAVE to have. It's like an illness.
Music is also a big deal for me. I think I would go crazy without it. I go to most of the concerts we have here. The last one I went to was Robbie Williams, which rocked. The next will be Pink in April. I listen to everything, but I am quite partial to Robbie, U2 and Darren Hayes.

Other than that I like to read, watch tv, see the latest movies. All the stuff everyone likes to do.

I work full time for a pharmaceuticals company. It's a boring job, but it pays well and I love the people there. Sometimes that can be better than working in your dream job for shit pay and people you hate. I would love a cushy desk job, but for now it will have to wait.

And for now thats about all I can think about to write. Hope to see everyone soon!!!

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