Thursday, May 17, 2007

New Purchases.

I went shopping today. So much for saving money lol. Oh well I will start saving next week. I bought the stuff in the 2 pics above.
There is a new shop at TTP called Sintra and it sells all designer hangbags. I am definately in love with that store. And today Playboy bags were 20% off. So ofcourse being playboy I was drawn to them!

I also finally got the dvd for the show I love. Girls of The Playboy Mansion. Its such a cool show. Very funny stuff too.
I am hoping that the book isnt too sad, its written by a man whose daughter got killed by a falling goal post. So sad.
Well thats all from me for now. Off to see P!nk tonight. Yay!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Guess Who I'm Seeing!

Can y0u guess? ok I'll tell you lol. Its Christina Aguilera! On thursday afternoon I won 2 tickets to see her from our local radio station. And I am taking none other than my friend Hailey aka LadedaHails It shall be very exciting. And hey it's free so what's there to complain about!?

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


So on sunday night I went and saw Pink in concert. And frankly she was damn amazing! I was shocked. As most people know Pink isn't my top choice for music, I have always liked some of her songs but I wouldn't never be the first in line to get her new cd or anything like that . . . until now.
Her show was 100 times more than I ever thought it would be. Lots of dancing and different things to keep people entertained. She sung a fair few songs too, lots of new and old which is always good. I would definately pay to see her again. She would definately be in my topped ranked concerts. And anyone who knows me knows I go to TONS of concerts so to be near the top, it must have been good.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Mr Beans Holiday

I went and saw Mr Beans Holiday last night. And I have to say
it wasn't as great as I had expected.

It was very slow and all the funny bits were things he had done during his tv series. It would be an excellent movie for some who has never seen the Mr Bean tv show.

I guess all up it was a good movie for any Mr Bean fan, could just have used a bit of work though.
It gets 3.5/5 stars from me.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


So Hailey has tagged me. Mostly because I don't update. And no-one reads this so it's not really a big deal BUT I will do it anyway!!

Three Things That Scare Me
Bugs - I don't like bugs in general.
Drowning - Always had a fear, don't like swimming.
Failing - Don't like to disappoint people.
Three People Who Make Me Laugh
Travis - He has the stupidest sense of humour.
Dave - A pom at my work, so hilarious.
Hailey - So funny!
Three Things I Hate
My weight - Needs to go down.
Mushrooms - Just wrong.
Animal cruelty - Enough said.
Three Things I Don't Understand
Cars - That's the boys job.
Petrol Prices.
Peoples Selfishness.
Three Things On My Desk
USB Flash Drive.
My Mobile.
A Block Of Snack Chocolate- Travs not mine.
Three Things I'm Doing Right Now
Watching The Simpsons.
Typing This.
Drinking A Hot Tea.
Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die
Go To New York.
Buy A Great Dane.
Travel Around The World.
Three Things I Can't Do
Sing In Key.
Say No To My Niece.
Three Things You Should Listen To
Darren Hayes Music
Your Mother - Chances are she's right.
My Opinion - It's usually a good one.
Three Things You Shouldn't Listen To
Other Peoples Insults - It's not worth it.
Heavy Metal Death Music.
Three Things I'd Like To Learn
To Play The Drums.
How To Make A Million Dollars.
Three Favourite Foods
Cucumber With Italian Dressing.
Hogs Breath Steak.
Three Shows I Watched As A Kid
Sooty & Co - Sweep was my favourite.
Sesame Street - I Love Elmo.
Degrassi High.
Three Things I Regret
Leaving School Early.
Spending Too Much Money.
Letting Old Friendships End.
Hope you enjoyed it!!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Something In The Sky
Darren Hayes
Never alone again, never give up.
Never believe in any kind of bad dream.
Never been in danger, never been a hot shot.
Never seen failure, never had a bad day baby.

Don’t you know a wave is coming through,
Don’t you feel it coming after you?

Something in the sky feels like fire,
Burning through your neighbourhood.
Something in the sky something changing,
All the things you thought you knew.

Never be late again, never pissed off.
Never be wondering, where’d I leave my car keys?

Heard it on the TV, saw it on the radio.
Felt it when the sky cracked.
This could be my happy ending.

Don’t you know a wave is coming through,
Don’t you feel it coming after you?

Something in the sky feels like fire,
Burning through your neighbourhood.
Something in the sky something changing,
All the things you thought you knew.

Something wonderful, something good.
Something that feels like you knew it would.
Something believable, something real.
Something designed to really make you feel.
Something in the sky.

Told You. . .

Before I joined up to Blogspot I promised myself I wouldn't forget about it or be lazy and not update. But it seems I have failed. I haven't forgotten about it but I am usually too lazy to want to write what's been happening.

In a few weeks I will be purchasing a laptop. So I am hoping that with more accessability I will update more!!

There hasn't been anything too exciting going on here. We went to the V8 Supercars last weekend, which was fun. Got a bit sunburnt even with sunscreen. Once I upload the pictures from my camera I will post them on here. Along with some other pictures.

At the moment I cant think of anything else to say so I will go now. I was thinking of posting the song that my title comes from. So keep a lookout for it!