Monday, March 12, 2007

Told You. . .

Before I joined up to Blogspot I promised myself I wouldn't forget about it or be lazy and not update. But it seems I have failed. I haven't forgotten about it but I am usually too lazy to want to write what's been happening.

In a few weeks I will be purchasing a laptop. So I am hoping that with more accessability I will update more!!

There hasn't been anything too exciting going on here. We went to the V8 Supercars last weekend, which was fun. Got a bit sunburnt even with sunscreen. Once I upload the pictures from my camera I will post them on here. Along with some other pictures.

At the moment I cant think of anything else to say so I will go now. I was thinking of posting the song that my title comes from. So keep a lookout for it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my laptop died today :(