Sunday, January 7, 2007


I have come to the conclusion that no matter how thin I am, I will never be satisfied. I was just watching a show about playboy bunnies and they are pretty much perfect, despite acting dumb on occassion. But my point is, they are gorgeous yet I still managed to find something wrong with them!!! If I can find faults in them, I will be much more critical of myself. . .

Onto other news, I have been looking around at animal shelters to do some volunteering. So far I have had no luck because of the hours they need people. Unfortunately they are the same hours that I have to go to work. If the animal places paid I would be there in a heart beat. So for now I will have to just wait until I can make the time. I mean come on, who wouldn't want to go play with this face every day . . .

Cute huh?? I also have just bought a party add on for my Playboy The Mansion game. Can't wait to get it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now that picture is adorable!! Id love to work with animals every day, would be so cool but we would probably have too many pets here at home if I did!