Friday, January 19, 2007

Pissed Off

My boss is the BIGGEST jerk on this planet. Yesterday I was given a written warning saying that I had too many sick days and that I was jeopardizing my job and any chance of a promotion because of it. Now this is complete crap. I have had 9 sick days in 2 years and they give us 10 a year so I don’t get what the problem is. The thing that bugged me the most was the fact that he said I have had more sick days then anyone else in the whole place. What a load of shit!! There are people there that take off a day a week sick but he says I have had the most off. Whatever.
I was also pretty annoyed at the fact that he said that because of having these days off it made me look immature and unreliable so that is why he hasn’t given me a promotion. It feels like entrapment or harassment. I will be going to see the big boss Monday afternoon and I will not be signing the warning because then that would mean that I have done something wrong.

Onto other news, I have become addicted to The Sims again. I was playing it just before but needed a break so I figured I would write in here. Time flies when I play that game.

I went shopping earlier and I got a calender with puppies in it for $3 down from $20, I bought Trav 2 polo shirts at $5 each. A sims pets add on for The Sims 2 and I couldn’t go past the bookshop without having a look.
I came out with 2 books, The Secret Dreamworld Of A Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella. Looks interesting, about a girl who shops way too much and gets into debt and stuff. And the other book I got was Star Struck by Pamela Anderson. Now don’t laugh at that. This is the follow on to her first book Star, which really wasn’t that bad. Considering who she is, her books are pretty decent.
No other news here at the moment. Finally the weekend!!!! Have a good one guys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


The book - shopaholic one - you will love it. Excellent book!