Wednesday, January 24, 2007

R.I.P Handbag

Today is a very sad day. Today my very favourite handbag was laid to rest. I was on the way home from work and I discovered a hole in the side of my bag. A HOLE people. Was not impressed. And after much inspection I realized the hole is irrepairable.
Technically my bag hasn't yet been laid to rest. But it will have to be eventually. For now I will just use to to take to work, I will use my good ones to go out with. So sad.

Nothing else to report here. So I am going to go listen to U2 and hopefully con Trav into letting me change the tv station.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw man i hate when that happens, expecially when you cant repair it!

Pandora's Box - Wont work on XP? Hmm ill ask Rob about that one, he may know a way (yes he is a geek!) to play it on xp!