Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Sliced And Diced

Well hello! How are we all?? I am good, however I just sliced my thumb open. Hence the title. I was chopping onions and the knife slipped. Made a nice big gash on my thumb. It has finally stopped bleeding, still hurts like a bitch though!!! The plus side is I got all the onion to myself cause I told everyone I bled on them (which I didn't).

So the new year is finally here. We went to a friends house and played foos ball and poker. I won poker which I am damn proud of. It's actually one game I am really good at!!!!
We missed the ticking over to midnight because the radio station we had it on was shit!!! They didnt even count down. It beeped a few times, then they said " well 2007 is finally here " How dodgey is that?

I spend a fair bit of the night with their dog. They got a staffy puppy from the pound and it has spend most of its life being beaten or yelled at. The poor thing was afraid of everyone yelling and making noise. Such a cute dog.

One girl nearly got blinded. Our friends husband popped a party popper near her ear but she turned and it got her in the eye. Luckily it was just a bit red, nothing serious.

I am tired from it all though. We got home at 8am. I went to bed for a while then got up at 10:30am because if I slept all day I wouldn't never have gotten up for work today. So I am counting down the minutes til I can go to bed and catch up on some sleep.

Tomorrow night I am going to invest in a foosball table. They are relatively cheap and we had so much fun playing it the other night. Also we are going to the zoo friday night as it open late. But I will not be going if it stays at the 40 degrees it is meant to be.

Well I am off now, I am going to go watch Girls Of The Playboy Mansion. Very funny show. Take care.


Anonymous said...

hehe I love to shop to but you already knew that! Always here if you need help, just sing out! Hope your finger is alright hey, I thought I was the only klutz in this world!! Do you walk into walls as well???

Carmen said...

Hails sent me over. Thought I'd say hi and welcome to the blogoverse.

I have a fear of knives. I try to be EXTRA careful, because it gives me the heebie jeebies to just think of cutting myself. ;)