Sunday, January 14, 2007

Weekend Is Over

I can't believe the weekend is over already. I swear it was only yesterday that I was leaving work ready for the weekend. How sad.

On friday I took my neice to the zoo. Was fun. I got slightly sunburnt. Mostly because I was too busy making sure Hannah didn't get burnt. It was her first time going to the zoo so I felt very special. However she is only just over a year old so she probably has forgotten about it already.

She loves the animals. But she hates them being near her. We went to the childrens zoo and she freaked out when they walked near us. She was quite content watching them though. By about 3pm she had passed out in her pram.

I took a few pictures which I will post later this week sometime. Not much else to say here. Had a pretty boring weekend. We watched Over The Hedge last night. Have to say that wasn't as good as I was expecting. The Break Up is on this week though, can't wait to see that one.

Well I'm off to play the sims, see if they will burn their houses down today!! Take Care.


Anonymous said...

Okay so SIMS. I tried to play that and I suck big time at it!

Ohh the zoo. I really wanna go sometime. Must drag rob to it i think.

Im over this week, hopefully next week will be better.

We must catch up soon. Do you wanna come to my bbq lunch?

Anonymous said...

bbq lunch for my birthdy that is!