Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Gosh it's been so long since I have written in here. Well I guess it hasn't been that long, but long enough.

I guess I don't really have anything of interest to write. Today is Valetines Day. Nothing overly special happened. We agreed no presents. It's just not that important. Although we did get cards. But the whole no presents thing kinda got forgetten because when I got home from work today Trav had bought me roses. And now I feel bad because I didn't get him anything. It's his birthday on friday though, so it will be made up for then.

Last weekend went by pretty quick. We had our niece for the whole weekend. She is so hilarious. And I tell you what, she is going to be one hell of a teenager. She already throws tantrums if she doesn't get her way and sulks and she is only 1! Was fun either way.

I am going to go out shopping for a decent womens suit tomorrow. I have a baby shower to go to saturday and then we are going out for Travs birthday so I would like something decent to wear. And something that I know I will wear again. Being 40 on saturday doesn't sound too pleasant though. Much rather it rained.

Well I am thinking that's about it from me today. Need to go do some of my tafe stuff before I put it off again! Take care.

Oh yeah, our hot water system just died and it can't be fixed til tomorrow evening. Cold showers for us!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

here here sister, bring on the rain, cold, winterness. I hate summer!!