Sunday, February 4, 2007

World War 3

It has been world war 3 in my house for the last few days. Thankfully none of it involves Travis or I but none the less we were around.

It all started when my step sister decided she wanted to move back in to save some money. She is a friend of mine but we are better friends when we don't live together. She is selfish, lazy and rude. So that's basically what caused it all.

She is the laziest person I know. And she is a Daddys Girl so she gets away with all of it. On friday night my mum asked her to please put her dirty clothes in the basket. She has a thing for leaving them lying everywhere and her room stinks because of it.
Well the step sister went mental about it. She slammed doors, swore at people. And get this, she went into her room and threw EVERY item of clothing she owns onto the floor. Then came out and said " now tell me to pick them up " Very mature I say.
After that she went out and didn't come back until everyone was in bed.

So fast forward to this afternoon and my mum asks her why she is acting like this. Well the step sister went off again. She packed up all of her stuff and is now going to live at her grandmothers house. Which frankly is fine by us because it's a lot less drama.

But now my step dad is in a bad mood with everyone because apparently his precious daughter was pushed out and we didn't give her any choice blah blah blah. It wouldn't matter what happened he would take her side. Even though it's something that no one can really take sides in. She is immature, pure and simple.

Well that's my little rant for the day lol. Heat must be getting to me. Take Care!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cant believe she did that... actually i can believe it to be honest. Nice to know somethings never change! I can just imagine you mum! LOL.