Tuesday, January 30, 2007

This And That

Hello again. I am seriously the most boring person on the planet. I have nothing to write about so bare with me if I ramble.

Trav was suppose to go to the big day out this friday but he has a toothache and now has to go get a tooth pulled instead. How is that for luck hey! He is very annoyed, however going with a major toothache wouldn't be fun. He went to bed at 7pm tonight it hurts that much.

I am trying to upload some pictures to blogger but this damn thing never lets me. It always fails. I have to do it the URL way and that takes too long.

I'm thinking that this pay day will be hangbag shopping day. I saw a really cute pink one in strandbags the other day, but when I went back past it was gone. I am hoping it will be there when I go look again. I loved it! I am also going to get a decent exercise bike. I am too lazy to go out walking and I don't have a dog that will walk with me so I figure a bike will be good. Plus then I can slap it in front of the tv and kill two birds with one stone.

Anywho I think thats about enough from me. Starting to not make sense now. Take care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

did you end up getting the bag?